Komaram Puli is an upcoming Telugu action film directed by S. J. Suryaah, who previously directed Kushi. The film stars Pawan Kalyan in the lead role as a cop, with Nikisha Patel, playing the lead female role as superident of police, Manoj Bajpai, Charan Raj, Nassar, Jyothi Krishna, Bhrahmaji, Ali and Girish Karnad in supporting roles and Shriya Saran appearing in an item number. The film, featuring music by Academy Award Winner A. R. Rahman, is produced by Singanamala Ramesh on a Rs. 40 crore budget and would be distributed by Allu Aravind of Geetha Arts. The film is slated for a release in August 2010
1) Power Star ---- 3.5/5.0
Singers : Vijay Prakash, Tanvi Shah
This song is full of Josh and energy
Lyrics are good ,Catchy .Phone ringing sound mix is good in the middle
Orchestrisation and vocals dominate more.
“Madhana kaamulaku maastaru nuvve”
2) Amma Thale -----3.5/5.0
Singers: Naresh Iyer, Swethe Mohan
The pronunciation and accent by singers is different and new.
You like the song on repeated hearing
3) Maaralente -----3.5/5.0
Singers : A. R. Rahman and KMMC Choir
Conducted by Kavita Baliga
The main Theme of the Album- inspirational
Rahman’s voice suited well
4) Maham Maye ------4.0/5.0
Singers : Javed Ali, Suchitra Vocals :Milli Nair
It is a duet and catchy in the first hearing itself,
The song sounds similar to “Raagala Chilaka” of Palnati Porusham
5) Dochey ------3.5/5.0
Singers : Shreya Ghoshal, Lady Kash 'N' Krissy
You are one Who make the Bad guys cry…..The cheddavallu Cry
The song sounds like an item Number, Vocals and Orchestra make a strong impact.
Shreya Ghoshal adds more sweetness with her voice in the Middle.
Don’t go deep into the lyrical meaning (They sound funny).
6) Namakame ------3.0/5.0
Singers : Chitra, Madhushree, Harini
Offering prayers to god- Devotional Bhajan Type ,Similar to Lagan’s “O Paalan haarey”
Rahman Songs make us less bothered about the lyrics any way. Don't blame the lyricist Chandra Bose -because we have heard even more worst lyrics written(literally translated from Tamil) earlier by A.M.Ratnam for Rahman Songs.
Over All a good ALBUM .
Like any other Rahman’s recent ALBUM this one too is not an instant Hit but slowly gets injected on repeated hearings.
Singers : Vijay Prakash, Tanvi Shah
This song is full of Josh and energy
Lyrics are good ,Catchy .Phone ringing sound mix is good in the middle
Orchestrisation and vocals dominate more.
“Madhana kaamulaku maastaru nuvve”
2) Amma Thale -----3.5/5.0
Singers: Naresh Iyer, Swethe Mohan
The pronunciation and accent by singers is different and new.
You like the song on repeated hearing
3) Maaralente -----3.5/5.0
Singers : A. R. Rahman and KMMC Choir
Conducted by Kavita Baliga
The main Theme of the Album- inspirational
Rahman’s voice suited well
4) Maham Maye ------4.0/5.0
Singers : Javed Ali, Suchitra Vocals :Milli Nair
It is a duet and catchy in the first hearing itself,
The song sounds similar to “Raagala Chilaka” of Palnati Porusham
5) Dochey ------3.5/5.0
Singers : Shreya Ghoshal, Lady Kash 'N' Krissy
You are one Who make the Bad guys cry…..The cheddavallu Cry
The song sounds like an item Number, Vocals and Orchestra make a strong impact.
Shreya Ghoshal adds more sweetness with her voice in the Middle.
Don’t go deep into the lyrical meaning (They sound funny).
6) Namakame ------3.0/5.0
Singers : Chitra, Madhushree, Harini
Offering prayers to god- Devotional Bhajan Type ,Similar to Lagan’s “O Paalan haarey”
Rahman Songs make us less bothered about the lyrics any way. Don't blame the lyricist Chandra Bose -because we have heard even more worst lyrics written(literally translated from Tamil) earlier by A.M.Ratnam for Rahman Songs.
Over All a good ALBUM .
Like any other Rahman’s recent ALBUM this one too is not an instant Hit but slowly gets injected on repeated hearings.
Overall Rating: 3.5/5.0
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